Common Room For Rent 普通房间出租)
*715 Tampines Street 71*, Singapore 520715
✔️ Direct Bus 293 to Tampines Hub, Tampines mrt (about 7-8stops)
✔️ Direct Bus 69 to Tampines Mrt interchange (about 3 stops)
✔️ Direct Bus 27 to Changi Airport
✔️ 有冷气 (Air con)
✔️ 有热水器 (Water heater)
✔️ 有洗衣机 (Washing Machine)
✔️ 家具齐全 Furnished (Bed, Wardrobe)
✔️ 可申报地址 (Can Register Address)
✔️ 女生可以 Single Female only
✔️ 立刻入住 Available Immediate
✅ $880 per pax
Why Rent here?
✔️ Minutes Walk to coffeeshops, etc
✔️ Direct Bus 293 to Tampines Hub, Tampines mrt (about 7-8stops)
✔️ Direct Bus 69 to Tampines Mrt interchange (about 3 stops)
Multiple units, in Various Locations, kindly send over profile, and we try match the best home for you
我们有几套房, 在不同的地方, 如有兴趣, 请发个人资料, 联系看房
Landlords/Tenants welcome
Sellers/Buyers also welcome
Call/Whatsapp Eugene Ho 9457XXXX for viewing
- Specialise in sell/buy/rent as well as detailed asset progression planning
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