Jeffrey Lee K B agent photo

Jeffrey Lee K B

Senior Associate Division Director
CEA: R024269E
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3008022J

Area Of Specialization

Landed House Sales/Rental
Commercial Sales/Rental
Private Condo Sales/Rental
HDB Sales/Rental


Jeffrey Lee K B testimonial photo #1
My Choice to use Jeffrey as my Property Agent is easy as he had helped my parents to sell their flat and another friend of mine to purchase his flat. His patience , advise and professionalism made the process seems effortless.

I am extremely happy with the results of my purchase and will not hesitate to recommend his services to any potential buyers or sellers.
Lee Chi Hau
I have engaged Jeffrey as my exclusive agent to sell my condo in Rivervale Crest and am happy with the result of this decision.

He has diligently gone about doing his marketing activities and never failed to update us on the progress. We finally sold our property at a good price that we wanted.

We are happy with his work and will not hesitate to recommend him to our friends and relatives.
Alvin Ng
Jeffrey Lee K B testimonial photo #3
I would like to express our sincere thanks to Jeffrey for his tremendous effort in selling our unit recently. Our flat was sold in just a single weekend with 11 viewings conducted and closed at a good price!
It's a great pleasure having him as our agent as he made it a really smooth and easy selling process for us. Thanks Jeffrey for being so efficient, patient, professional, knowledgeable(always able to have an immediate answer for all our questions) and most importantly, for selling our house.
Lily Ho

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Core Central Region
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Rest of Central Region
Outside Central Region

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