Herbert Benard agent photo

Herbert Benard

Associate Group Director
CEA: R029883F
Estate Agency Lic. No.:L3008022J

Area Of Specialization

Commercial Sales/Rental
Private Condo Sales/Rental
Landed House Sales/Rental
HDB Sales/Rental


Herbert Benard testimonial photo #1
Engaging Herbert was the best decision I made when my parents decided to downgrade to a smaller property. His efficiency and knowledge is top-notch. He was constantly updating and guiding us on next best steps. He wasn't afraid to advise against any potential bad moves as well....Thank you for your excellent service. Appointing you as our extended household's sole property advisor is the natural decision. You have set a high benchmark for fellow industry players.
Lena Tan
Herbert Benard testimonial photo #2
Herbert was very knowledgeable and guided us all the way through selling our BTO flat and buying a wonderful resale house that we wanted and also went the extra mile for us. He was good in planning and answering our doubt from the first day that we met and through out the journey as he was a very experience agent. We felt comfortable when we discussed our financial and personal matters with him.We are very happy to have chosen him as our agent.πŸ‘
Diana Bte Pawzi & Family
Herbert Benard testimonial photo #3
We are so glad to engage Herbert to sell our BTO house and buy a resale house. He is very detailed and provided all the information that we need. Herbert is a good planner and advisor too. He guided us throughout the entire process. He is so steady and genuine which make us feel comfortable with him. Thank you Herbert. You're the best!
Ummu Uthman
Herbert Benard testimonial photo #4
Herbert's a genuine go to guy for property advices. His experience in the industry allows me to have comfort and ease at making the right decision. Appreciate your effort n patience and I thank u so much for guiding me and family throughout the journey.
Azhar Ibrahim
Herbert Benard testimonial photo #5
Herbert has gone above and beyond for me in selling my property at the most difficult time in history. Needed to sell my place due to financial reason, and yet not possible to sell in a panic. Herbert was one of the first to bring in Virtual Tour during CB and brought in Viewers whenever possible. We changed the strategy from selling to renting out due to the market sentiment and Herbert brought in a new tenant for me for this very period. When the property market started to stabilise, there is where Herbert found me a buyer and helped me through the entire transition. This guy is not only a pro, he does his work and work with his clients with his heart. Herbert is highly recommend by me!
Philip Hiu Fung Chu

Who Am I?

Herbert Benard Real Estate

Selling or buying a property can be a daunting task. Let us guide you through every step of the process. Herbert Benard Real Estate has helped homeowners and investors sell and grow their property assets and offers more than a decade of experience in the industry. This means we have a wealth of data and insights to advise you better so that, you can make the right decision in the property market.

We believe in an honest, customer-centric approach based on our customer's needs and requirements. Therefore, we use a comprehensive planning framework to create a plan that fits your unique needs and helps you achieve your financial goals, preserve your capital gains and earn passive income in order to retire early.

Book your consultation now while the market is still hot, before you miss this opportunity to grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals. As 1-1 consultations are very time-intensive, our team will carefully review your information and arrange an appointment at a time that works for you. . We look forward to connecting with you soon.

WhatsApp: http://wa.me/6597733742/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvejdPFJBEODXf_grclf9mA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herbert.benard/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HerbertXBenard
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@herbertbenard
Google My Business: https://www.g.page/r/CVnE8pa3Oo07EBA

My Transactions (Private Properties)

Core Central Region
Rest of Central Region
Outside Central Region
  • D5-Buona Vista / West Coast / Clementi New Town
    1 Sold
  • D17-Changi Airport / Changi Village
    1 Sold
  • D18-Pasir Ris / Tampines
    1 For Sale 1 Sold
  • D21-Clementi Park / Upper Bukit Timah
    1 Rented
  • D23-Dairy Farm / Bukit Panjang / Choa Chu Kang
    1 Rented
View My Track Records

My Active Properties

Regions Coverage
Core Central Region
Rest Central Region
Outside Central Region
Core Central Region
Rest of Central Region
Outside Central Region

My Active Hdb Listings

- Agent has an Exclusive in this Region

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